Where To Buy Hyaluron Serum
The Uk media have just featured a new beauty product that is said to rival the effect of cosmetic surgery.
Hyaluron beauty serum from beauty specialist Swisscode has exceeded all expectations after reports suggest it can reverse the signs of ageing by up to five years.
The serum has apparently sold out just 48 hours after launch with an estimated 10,000 units ordered. Beauty industry insiders have predicted it to the biggest beauty launch of 2012.
Hyaluron already has a large US customer base with Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox keen advocates, while Emma Thompson and Helen Mirren are thought to be using the serum for the Oscars.
Where To Buy Swisscode Hyaluron
The actual Swisscode branded product is sold out – but the good news is that Boots have a Hyaluron serum product sold via their online store.
It is essentially the same as the Swisscode product but £15.00 cheaper – and in stock.
Customer testimonial below – and more found on the Boots website.