Happy Diet Pill – Capsiplex Plus
There is confirmation among pres circles that Capsiplex Plus – the affectionately coined “happy diet pill” has been released and is now shipping worldwide including the UK.
Capsiplex Plus is being called “happy diet pill” due to its combination of a weight loss pill with a mood enhancer.
The happy diet pill is the invention and brainchild of Scottish based Advanced Health, the private natural health specialist who gave us the original Capsiplex fat burner a year or so ago.
If media reports are to be believed this new improved version should create a bigger impact than the original. The original product release was impressive enough with over 50,000 units sold over its first days.
Capsiplex Plus is available to order direct – there are currently some special offers and discounts in place.
Click here for latest discount deals for Capsiplex Plus
Capsiplex The Happy Diet Pill
The product is formulation of two main components – a fat burning agent called capsicum and a natural serotonin releaser called 5-HTP
Capsicum is the key active ingredients in the original product and is a highly effective fat burner. It is extracted from chili or cayenne pepper and works by raising the core temperature of the body and can help calorie expenditure and burn around 280 calories a day. The real beauty of capsicum is that can work even while you are rest. Taking capsicum in the correct dosage is thought to create the same calorie burning effect as cycling for 40 minutes.
5-HTP is called the “happy hormone”, our body can naturally make it but on occasion we do not produce enough. Serotonin is of vital importance for our happiness it can effect our mood.
Decreased or depleted levels of serotonin can cause unhappy feelings and can on occasions ultimately lead depression.
Having a depleted level of serotonin is also linked to poor sleep quality and can also cause anxiety and other associated issues.
Comfort eating is also thought to be directly associated with low levels of serotonin. 5-HTP combats this and increases serotonin production naturally.
More about Capsiplex Plus Happy Diet Pill