Krill Oil Dietary Supplement
If you are already taking a fish oil supplement such as cod liver oil or thinking of starting, give Krill Oil serious consideration.
Krill oil is the substance extracted from Krill and encapsulated and sold has a health supplement.
What Are Krill
Krill are shrimp-like crustaceans that grow to roughly 1 to 6 cm in length. They live in the sea and their diet mainly consists of phytoplankton. They’re near the bottom of the food chain and are the staple diet of other sea faring creatures such as whales, seals, penguins, squid and fish.
“48 x more potent than most commercially available omega oils”
What Does Krill Oil Do
Krill Oil is extremely rich in omega 3s and EPA and DHA acids – it is considered to be an essential dietary supplement for everyone with no specific target gender or demographic.
Krill oil is taken for the same reason as you take a fish oil (cod liver oil) capsule flax oil or other omega-3 fatty acids.
Krill Oil has many health benefits including:
- Lowers Cholesterol Levels
- Natural Remedy For Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
- Help Maintain A Healthy Heart
- Helps To Maintain Joints and Nervous System
- Helps Ease The Symptoms Of Artritis
- Controls Blood Sugar levels
- Powerful AntiOxidant
Krill Oil is regarded to be 48 times more beneficial than other fish oils.
As an anti oxidant Krill Oil is
- Over 300 times greater than Vitamins A & E
- Over 48 times greater than Omega-3
- Over 34 times greater than Co Q-10
Krill Oil Side Effects
There are no known side effects attached to Krill oil although anyone with a known allergy to seafood should avoid.
Krill oil does not produce an after taste often associated with other Omega 3 and cod liver oils.
Where To Buy Krill Oil Capsules is an authorised distributor of Krill Oil.
Orders can be placed online or via the telephone.
A one month supply will cost around £17.00 which admittedly is twice the price of a standard cod liver oil product – but giving you 48x more benefit.