Can I Buy Phentermine Appetite Suppressant
Phentermine has been used for several decades as a drug to promote appetite suppression and aimed towards to obese of extremely overweight.
Although It is considered a very effective drug for weight loss, it has had some bad press regarding the side effects that it produces for some users.
Some users have reported wide a varied side effects, such as a dry mouth, irritability and depression, pain whilst passing urine, and also some quite unpleasant stomach related issues. Others have had problems with their vision and sex drive.
Phentermine – Removed From The market Amid Safety Concerns
Phentermine was first introduced into the market in the late 1950’s and the supposed wonder weight loss drug known as Fenfluramine Phentermine (AKA Fen-Phen) was approved by the FDA in the early 1970’s.
It was eventually removed from the market after heart valve problems and a number of deaths were reported. Phentermine is now illegal to order online.
Phentermine was only available on prescription and not available to buy in the high street from the likes of Boots or other chemists or pharmacies.
With the rise in obesity levels, there are still many people trying to find weight loss drugs that will help them to shed the pounds, and alternatives to Phentermine are eagerly sought.
PhenQ Available To Buy Without Prescription
One of the safer alternatives that has been developed is called PhenQ. It is a synthetic substitute for the much maligned Phentermine, it still offers appetite suppression, but by using safer and more natural processes and ingredients to achieve the goal.
There is no doubt that mixture of exercise and reduction in calorific intake is the ideal way to lose weight, but for some people, the need to lose weight to ward of serious health issues can need some help. Willpower is lacking for many people, and an appetite suppressing medication can help them a lot.
PhenQ works in a number of ways, mainly by suppressing your appetite, reducing the desire to snack between meals. This alone can reduce calorie intake by a significant amount for many people. Secondly, by increasing the metabolic rate, the body’s fat burning is accelerated, resulting in more fat loss.
The other excellent outcome is that stamina and energy levels are increased, making you feel better, and perhaps making the idea of exercise more appetising.
People who use this alternative to Phentermine will often see a weight loss of between three and five pounds per week, which is really significant and will help get you down to a healthier weight quite quickly.
Weight loss can be sped up with exercise and other lifestyle changes, but PhenQ is definitely a great way to take those initial steps, and is a great motivator for continual weight loss.
Read more about PhenQ