Sea Kelp Diet Pills Could Be Dangerous
Diet pills can basically split into two groups: Prescription and non prescription.
Prescription diet pills are only available from a GP or doctor and are mostly chemical based compounds aimed at tackling extreme obesity.
Prescription diet pills are very much drug classed products and can in some cases cause more problems than they solve.
The U.S. Food and Drug Department warn against the use of sea kelp tablets for weight loss
Non prescription diet pills are available to all to purchase over the counter and online via the internet – there is no need for GP intervention.
The problem with over the counter diet pills is that the general perception is that they are all safe to use – and will not cause an adverse reaction as they are based on natural or herbal substances.
In most cases a herbal diet pill will offer a minimal risk of a side effect or a danger to health.
Kelp tablets are rapidly becoming the latest dangerous celebrity dieting fad
Recent media coverage has indicated that a certain type of natural pill may not be safe to use.
Sea Kelp Diet Pills
The latest celebrity craze appears to be sea kelp. Recently Alex Curran (Steven Gerrads wife) was seen seen spotted emerging from a health store with a packet.
The health warnings issued have no concrete evidence of any specific side effect – it is more a case of there is no long term research performed into the possible long term health implications.
Kelp tablets are widely available over the counter at health stores and online, from as little as £1.50 for 260 tablets.
Our advise is to refrain from purchasing until further notice.
Alternative To Sea Kelp
Acai Berries are a safer alternative.
They have been used for centuries and have had numerous clinical trials and studies performed on not only the weight loss effect but safety.
More about Acai Berries